JICA北陸・金沢大学課題別研修 「中米 地域資源としてのマヤ文明遺跡の保存と活用」開講 Opening of JICA Hokuriku-Kanazawa University Issue-Specific Training Course, “Conservation and Utilization of Maya Archaeological Sites as Regional Resources”


10月10日から11月6日の日程で,JICA北陸・金沢大学課題別研修「中米 地域資源としてのマヤ文明遺跡の保存と活用」コースがスタートしました。



JICA Hokuriku-Kanazawa University Issue-Specific Training Course, “Conservation and Utilization of Maya Archaeological Sites as Regional Resources,” which is scheduled to run from October 10 to November 6, has started.
On October 10, 7 trainees of the course from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, who are administrative officials and archaeologists, attended the opening ceremony held at the Human and Social Science Hall 3 and paid a courtesy visit to President Koetsu Yamazaki.
Regarding the Course, with Kanazawa University as the base, the participants will learn how to conserve and utilize the cultural properties in Japan and other Asian countries, and visit the research institutions for cultural properties and others concerning sites in Tokyo, Kyoto and Nara for observation and interaction. Also, from November 7 to 20, the course participants will visit Guatemala and take the complementary course at the Preservation and Research Center for the Cultural Heritage in Tikal National Park.
The participants are expected to involve themselves in conservation and utilization of the cultural properties in their home countries through this course and actively take advantage of their experience in Japan.

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