Nature Index 「Research Highlight」(2021.12~2022.5)


世界トップクラスの研究成果を国・機関別にプロファイリングするデータベース「Nature Index」では,Nature Indexが選定した82ジャーナルに掲載された金沢大学所属の研究者の論文の中から,Springer Natureの編集チームが毎月1本選んで,"Research Highlight"として紹介しています。


・金沢大学古代文明・文化資源学研究所の覺張隆史助教,人間社会研究域の中込滋樹客員研究員らの研究グループによる研究❝People of Japanese descent comprise three genetic groups❞

・金沢大学ナノ生命科学研究所の髙橋康史特任教授らの研究グループによる研究❝Analysing a lithium battery in microcosm❞

・金沢大学がん進展制御研究所の後藤典子教授,竹内康人助教らの研究グループによる研究❝The first step towards breast cancer identified❞

・金沢大学ナノ生命科学研究所の髙橋康史特任教授らの研究グループによる研究❝Mapping the electrochemical properties of single crystals❞
・金沢大学ナノ生命科学研究所の前田勝浩教授らの研究グループによる研究❝Imaging helices in polymer molecules❞
・金沢大学ナノ生命科学研究所の梅田健一特任助教らの研究グループによる研究❝Making high-speed atomic force microscopy faster❞

・金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系の大宮寛久教授(研究当時),長尾一哲助教らの研究グループによる研究❝Transition-metal-free transformations❞

詳細は❝People of Japanese descent comprise three genetic groups❞および❝Analysing a lithium battery in microcosm❞,❝The first step towards breast cancer identified❞,❝Mapping the electrochemical properties of single crystals❞,❝Imaging helices in polymer molecules❞,❝Making high-speed atomic force microscopy faster❞,❝Transition-metal-free transformations❞をご覧ください。

Nature Index
過去のResearch Highlightはこちら


The Nature Index, which tracks the affiliations of highest-quality scientific articles and presents research outputs by institution and country, introduces a scientific article by Kanazawa University researchers each month as a “Research Highlight.” The article is selected by the editorial team of Springer Nature.

The following papers were introduced each month

May 2022
・A research by the research group led by Assistant Professor Takashi Gakuhari from Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources and Visiting Researcher Shigeki Nakagome from Institute of Human and Social Sciences entitled ❝People of Japanese descent comprise three genetic groups❞

April 2022
・A research by the research group led by Professor Yasufumi Takahashi from Nano Life Science Institute entitled ❝Analysing a lithium battery in microcosm❞

March 2022
・A research by the research group led by Professor Noriko Gotoh  and Assistant Professor Yasuto Takeuchi from Cancer Research Institute identified❝The first step towards breast cancer identified❞.

February 2022
・A research by the research group led by Professor Yasufumi Takahashi from Nano Life Science Institute entitled ❝Mapping the electrochemical properties of single crystals❞.
・A research by the research group led by Professor Katsuhiro Maeda from Nano Life Science Institute  entitled ❝Imaging helices in polymer molecules❞.
・A research by the research group led by Assistant Professor Kenichi Umeda from Nano Life Science Institute  entitled ❝Making high-speed atomic force microscopy faster❞ is introduced.

December 2021
・A research by the research group led by Professor Hirohisa Ohmiya(at the time of the research) and Assistant Professor Kazunori Nagao from Faculty of Pharmacy,  Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences entitled ❝Transition-metal-free transformations❞

Please see the following page ❝People of Japanese descent comprise three genetic groups❞,❝Analysing a lithium battery in microcosm❞ ,❝The first step towards breast cancer identified❞,❝Mapping the electrochemical properties of single crystals❞  ,❝Imaging helices in polymer molecules❞,❝Making high-speed atomic force microscopy faster❞ and ❝Transition-metal-free transformations❞ for details.

Nature Index
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