


現在,本学がサンマルコス大学との大学間国際交流協定締結を進めている中,同大学における日本オフィス長および日本の大学との国際交流担当であるフアン ディエゴ ザムディオ パジラ教授を迎え,講演会を行いました。講演会ではザムディオ教授よりサンマルコス大学およびサンマルコス大学での国際化への取組みが紹介されました。ザムディオ教授は日本人留学生の増加を強く希望されており,出席した両副学長,融合研究域松田真希子教授や太田亨教授をはじめとする国際機構の教員と今後の金沢大学との交流の可能性などについて意見が交わされました。


Delegate from the National University of San Marcos Visits Kanazawa University

On November 1, Professor Juan Diego Zamudio Padilla of the National University of San Marcos, Peru, paid a courtesy visit to the Kanazawa University’s Vice-Presidents Prof. Shimura and Prof. Tanaka. As KU is currently in the process of concluding a university-level agreement for cooperation and exchange with the National University of San Marcos, we welcomed Professor Zamudio, head of the Japan Office at the National University of San Marcos, and in charge of international exchange with Japanese universities, who gave a lecture. At the lecture, attended by the Vice Presidents, Prof. Makiko Matsuda of the Institute of Transdisciplinary Sciences, and Prof. Akira Ota and other faculty members of the Organization of Global Affairs, Prof. Zamudio introduced the National University of San Marcos and its internationalization efforts. Prof. Zamudio expressed their strong wish to increase the number of international students from Japan, and there were vigorous discussions about possibilities for cooperation in various fields between the National University of San Marcos and KU.

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