アジア学生フォーラムin金沢を開催 Kanazawa University Hosts the Asian Students’ Forum in Kanazawa




On November 13, the “Asian Students’ Forum in Kanazawa” took place as a part of Kanazawa University’s 150-year anniversary commemorative events.
This was put together by our students and Asian international students, and it aimed to deepen the ties among the students and the local residents. During the Forum, students from 5 Asian nations introduced their countries, and also discussed some problems.
Corners for Asian cuisine and traditional clothing lined up outside, and on the stage, Chinese songs, Korean dance, and other shows were performed. There was also a booth for recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, and encouragements to the victims and thank-you messages to overseas support were collected. The presidents who attended the Five Asian University Presidents' Forum hosted on the previous day also observed this event.
It was a rainy day, but the students and residents were able to interact much and deepen their bonds.

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