The 7th International Student Homecoming Day Symposium Takes Place






On October 27, “The 7th International Student Homecoming Day Symposium” took place together with the 12th Homecoming Day, and approximately 50 persons including international alumni, international students, etc. attended from within and outside the university.

At the beginning, Vice President Yoshio Otani delivered a welcome address. He was followed by our alumni, Mr. Eric Manirakiza (currently employed by Toyo Engineering Corporation) and Ms. Ya Chen (currently employed by Komatsu Ltd.). There were meaningful presentations about the speakers’ experiences at Kanazawa University and their career paths after the graduation.

Many international students enjoyed active conversations with international alumni at the lunch meeting, and the Homecoming Day Symposium closed with a promise of another meeting next year.

  • 講演するマニラキザ・エリック氏
  • 講演する陳婭氏
  • シンポジウムの様子
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