Chaki Exhibiton hosted by International Student Center


国際機構留学生教育部は6月19日から6月24日にかけて,石川国際交流サロンにおいて「平成30年度 留学生による茶器展」を開催しました。この展覧会は今年で16年目を迎えます。

展覧会では,本学客員教授の陶芸家・十一代 大樋長左衛門(大樋年雄)氏の指導で制作した大樋焼茶器を展示。8か国からの留学生と日本人学生による個性的な茶器30点が並び,来場者を魅了しました。



From June 19 to 24, Kanazawa University International Student Center hosted a Chaki Exhibition at Ishikawa International Exchange Salon. This Exhibition started in 2003, and has been held every year since then.

In this exhibition, 30 tea bowls and art works were displayed, which entertained visitors. Under the guidance of 11th Ohi Chozaemon (Ohi Toshio), a visiting professor and a potter of Ohiyaki, international students from 8 different countries and several Japanese students crafted these art works. The art works were praised for distinct designs.

Kanazawa University International Student Center offers international students numerous opportunities to learn about/experience Japanese culture through classes and extracurricular activities.

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