

Singapore ITE Students Visitor Team Experienced Calligraphy with Kanazawa University Students at Kakuma-no-sato House

12月12日,外務省が実施する青少年交流事業「JENESYS2.0」の一環として,シンガポールITE (Institute of Technical Education)の学生20名らが本学を訪問しました。一行は,角間キャンパスを視察した後,本学学生と一緒に金沢大学創立五十周年記念館「角間の里」において書道を体験し,交流を深めました。また,シンガポールの学生が制服でダンスを披露し,本学学生がその輪に加わるなど,互いの文化を肌で感じる有意義な時間となりました。

On December 12, 20 students from Singapore ITE (Institute of Technical Education) visited Kanazawa University as a part of JENESYS 2.0 Program sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. The visitor team toured Kakuma Campus, and after that, they deepened exchange through SHODO (Calligraphy) with KU students at Kakuma-no-sato House. In addition, Singapore students who wore their uniform demonstrated a dance, and KU students joined it. The interaction was meaningful for students from both sides.

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