第3回留学生ホームカミングデイシンポジウムに約70名が参加 Approximately 70 Persons Attend the Third International Student Homecoming Day Symposium


続いて,本学外国人同窓生で元日本デュラセル・ジレット社 日本/韓国担当リージョナルディレクターのデビット・クライン博士(カナダ出身)および金沢大学がん進展制御研究所博士研究員のピコイリア・ヴァシルィヴィチ氏(ベラルーシ出身)から本学での留学経験などについての講演がありました。

On November 1, “The Third International Student Homecoming Day Symposium” took place together with the Eighth Homecoming Day, and approximately 70 persons attended from within and outside the university.
At the beginning, Vice President Yamamoto reported the present state of Kanazawa University such as the foundation of Kanazawa University Alumni in Thailand and China, being selected for MEXT’s Top Global University Project, etc.
Afterwards, our alumni, Dr. David Klein (from Canada), former Regional Japan/Korea Director of Duracell/Gillette Japan and Dr. Pyko Ilya Vassilyevich (from Belarus), doctoral researcher at Kanazawa University Cancer Research Center, gave lectures on their experience as international student, etc.
Many international students enjoyed active conversations, and the Homecoming Day closed with a promise of another meeting next year.

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