The 5th D. T. Suzuki - Kitaro Nishida Kanazawa University International Award Ceremony and Commemorative Lecture

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On November 19, the 5th D. T. Suzuki - Kitaro Nishida Kanazawa University International Award Ceremony and Commemorative Lecture were held at Hotel Nikko Kanazawa. About 100 people from inside and outside the university attended the event.

This international award was established in Kanazawa University in 2017 with funding from the generous donation of Mr. Mitsuru Usui (graduated from Kanazawa University School of Medicine in 1964) in honor of two great figures, Daisetsu Suzuki and Kitaro Nishida, both of whom had connections to our university. The award aims to honor researchers who have made outstanding international achievements in the fields of philosophy, thought, and religion, thereby encouraging further development of research in those fields and providing a great academic stimulus to young researchers who will lead the next generation.

The fifth awardee, Professor John C. Maraldo (Professor Emeritus of the University of North Florida), was highly praised for his long-term research into both Suzuki Daisetsu and Nishida Kitaro, and his significant contributions to the internationalization and development of Japanese philosophical studies. At the award ceremony, the awardee was presented with a plaque, a prize, and a commemorative gift.

In commemorative lecture, Mr. Maraldo discussed how he himself came to know D.T. Suzuki and Kitaro Nishida, as well as the application of Nishida's philosophy in modern society. After that participants asked questions and gave their impressions about lecture.

Kanazawa University International Award Web site

  • Mr. Maraldo and members of the International Prize Executive Committee
  • President Wada address
  • Mr. Maraldo discribes Nishida's philosophy in commemorative lecture
  • Commemorative lecture
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