タフツ大学CELTのセンター長・副センター長がFDプログラムについて講演【KU-GLOCS ACT.33】
Director and Associate Director of Tufts University’s Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) Delivered Lectures on Faculty Development Programs




タフツ大学(米国)で教育改善を担当しているCenter for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) のドナ・M・クォルターズセンター長とアニー・ソワゾン副センター長が,CELTの概要およびCELTで提供しているFDプログラムの内容について講演を行いました。講演会は,総合教育棟で行われたほか,同時配信システムを利用して自然科学本館および鶴間キャンパスにも配信され,あわせて約90名の学生・教職員が参加しました。

講演会に先立ち,クォルターズセンター長およびソワゾン副センター長は柴田理事(教育担当),向理事(総括・改革・研究・財務担当)および山本理事(国際・附属病院・同窓会担当)を訪問し,本学とタフツ大学とのさらなる交流発展について意見交換を行いました。また,講演会の前後には,大学教育開発・支援センター教員と,「英語による教授法」のトレーニングマニュアル(Teaching Training Manual)作成に向けた打合せを行いました。




On February 8, Dr. Donna M. Qualters, Director of CELT, and Dr. Annie Soisson, Associate Director of CELT, visited Kanazawa University and gave a lecture hosted by the Research Center for Higher Education and the Top Global University Project Planning and Promotion Headquarters. They talked about the outline of CELT and some of their faculty development programs. The lecture was held in the General Education Lecture Hall, Kakuma Campus, and delivered to the south area of Kakuma Campus and Tsuruma Campus via video conference system. Approximately 90 audiences in total, including faculty, administrative staff and students, attended the lecture.


As part of Kanazawa University Top Global University Project, we aim to increase the number of courses conducted in English to 50% of undergraduate courses and 100% of graduate courses in 2023. This lecture was expected to be of some help to conduct courses in English by learning about Tufts University’s advanced and renowned programs for faculty development. During their stay, the faculty members of the Research Center for Higher Education had several meetings with them on the preparation for “Teaching Training Manual” to conduct courses in English.


Prior to the lecture, the two lecturers paid a courtesy visit to Vice President Shibata (Education and Student Affairs), Vice President Mukai (General overview, Reformation, Research and Finance) and Vice President Yamamoto (International Affairs, Hospital and Alumni Association.), and a lively discussion took place on further exchanges between Kanazawa University and Tufts University.


Tufts University is our partner institution in America, and has been cooperating with us in the Kanazawa University Super Global ELP Center. The newly built cooperation with CELT is expected to expand exchanges between the two universities.

  • 講演するドナ・M・クォルターズセンター長
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