地域「超」体験プログラムは,本学のスーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業における取り組みの一つであり,本合宿は同事業の趣旨,戦略と合致する講演会やシンポジウムなどの総称「KU-GLOCS ACTシリーズ」の一つとしても位置付けられています。今回の合宿を含め「学長と行く合宿シリーズ」は今年度4回の実施を予定しており,次回の合宿は2月11日から13日にかけて五箇山で実施される予定です。
“Camp at the base of Hakusan with President” took place from November 21 to 23 and 35 students including 21 Japanese students and 14 international students joined the event.
From this year, Kanazawa University started to offer “Hands-on program extending beyond community boundaries” as a general education course. This program consists of “Camp with President” in which the President Koetsu YAMAZAKI directly gives direction to the students. This time was the third time following “Camp with President in Suzu” held in July and “Camp with President in Ogi” held in September.
On the first day, the participants experienced Zen meditation at Daijoji Temple in Kanazawa city. After that, they visited the Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark led by the staff of Hakusan City Hall. In the morning on the second day, they harvested medicinal plants with the local residents at Mikoshimizu town, Hakusan city, where Kanazawa University has been cooperating with the residents to grow medicinal plants in abandoned farmland. In the afternoon, they joined with their host family and worked cooperatively with them in cooking, cleaning and farming. On the third day, they tried to make soba using buckwheat flour cropped and milled at Torigoe area, Hakusan city. They experienced various things throughout the three days.
The participants built up their human resilience needed in the society through working together with other participants from different schools as well as different countries. Also, they learned a lot about the culture and the life at the base of Hakusan.