 Kanazawa University Super Global ELP Center Unveiling Ceremony


 このセンターは,本学の徹底した国際化を進めるという構想のもと,国際交流協定校である米国・タフツ大学から派遣される講師および常駐教員により,学生・教員・職員それぞれの特性に応じた英語力を強化するための英語研修プログラムELP(English Language Programs)を提供することを目的としています。平成27年4月の設置からこれまで,試行的にプログラムを実施してきました。


On September 7, Kanazawa University Super Global ELP Center Unveiling Ceremony took place, and President Koetsu Yamazaki, Vice President for International Affairs Hiroshi Yamamoto who is also the Center’s Director, Associate Professor James Rosenberg, and program participants attended the event.

The purpose of the Center is to provide ELP (English Learning Programs) for English training taught by lecturers and program director from Tufts University, our partner institution in the U.S., to improve the fluency of students, faculty and staff to the level required in each position. The establishment of the Center is a part of Kanazawa University’s efforts for through internationalization, and the Center has offered pilot programs since its foundation in April 2015.

At the ceremony, after unveiling the name plate, President Yamazaki gave a few words of appreciation to the colleagues from Tufts University and shared his resolve on the reforms on education and internationalization. Lecturer Josephine Altovino from Tufts University and Director Yamamoto followed with their greetings.

The participants expressed their strong anticipation for the Center’s full launch.


  • 教員対象英語研修プログラムの様子
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