金沢大学コラボラティブ・プロフェッサー委嘱状授与式を挙行 The Conferment Ceremony for Kanazawa University Collaborative Professor Takes Place


今回,同日開催の金沢大学スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業キックオフシンポジウムに来賓として参加した,インドネシア・バンドン工科大学のAcep Purqon助教,タイ・モンクット王工科大学トンブリ校のAnak Khantachawana学長補佐,プリンスオブソンクラ大学のPerapong Tekasakul副学長の3名に山崎光悦学長から委嘱状が手渡され,本学のグローバル化に向けた一層の協力が得られることとなりました。

On March 22, the Conferment Ceremony for Kanazawa University Collaborative Professor took place for the first time ever in a hotel in Kanazawa.  Collaborative professor is a title conferred to an individual belonging to overseas institute of higher education who helps promote international exchange activities, recruit students, follows up on exchange students at destination countries, etc.
This time, three individuals, Asst. Prof. Acep Purqon of Bandung Institute of Technology in Indonesia, Asst. Prof. Anak Khantachawana of King Mongkut’s University of Technology-Thonburi in Thailand, and Vice President Perapong Tekasakul of Prince of Songkla University in Thailand, who also attended Kanazawa University “SGU” Kick-Off Symposium hosted on the same day, were handed the conferment certificate from President Koetsu Yamazaki, and we requested their continued cooperation toward our university’s further globalization.

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