

 11月27日, アフリカ有数の医学研究所であるケニア中央医学研究所(KEMRI)からソンゴック・エライジャ・マルティン所長ほか5名が来学し,和田隆志学長を表敬訪問しました。

Director General of Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) paid a courtesy visit to President Wada

 On November 27, Prof. Songok Elijah Martim, Director General of Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), and five other delegates paid a courtesy visit to President Takashi Wada.
 Kanazawa University and KEMRI have been actively collaborating in the field of medicine. Various activities have been conducted, including regular visits by Kanazawa University faculty members to Kenya to conduct joint research with KEMRI, especially since Professor Songok received his PhD degree from Kanazawa University.
 During the courtesy call, the two parties confirmed the further promotion of such research cooperation and discussed the possibility of establishing an overseas alumni association of Kanazawa University in Nairobi.
 After the courtesy call, the delegation was divided into two groups. Each group met separately with the university faculty members and the director general of the Research Manager and Administrator Network Japan (RMAN-J) for a meeting on their respective fields of expertise.

  • ソンゴック所長(前列左から二人目)らと和田学長
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