令和 3 年 9 月 27 日
〜 うつらない,うつさない行動を 〜
金沢大学長 山崎光悦
ワクチンの2回目接種後の発症予防効果は90%以上と発表されていますが(※1 厚生労働省web),7月以降は従来株よりも感染力の強いデルタ株への置き換わりが急速に進み,接種後の感染,いわゆる「ブレークスルー感染」の報告が増えています。ワクチンを接種していれば,感染が起こってもほとんどの場合,重症化を免れます。しかし,感染しても発病しないことも多いので自分ではそれと気付かないままでいることになります(※2 厚生労働省web)。
September 27, 2021
For classes in Q3 of 2021 ~Do not get infected yourself, and do not infect others~
President, Kanazawa University
Dear Students,
As notified in the 28th Report dated August 6, 2021, I believe that you have returned to your "Commuting Address" by September 17 and are ready for the start of classes in the 3rd quarter.
The number of people infected with the COVID-19 in Japan increased significantly from late July to August. In response to this, a declaration of a state of emergency was issued for Tokyo on July 12, and the area under the declaration has been gradually expanded to 21 prefectures by August 27. At one point (August 19-21), the daily number of newly confirmed cases in Japan exceeded 25,000. In Ishikawa Prefecture, Priority Preventative Measures were applied to Kanazawa City from August 2 to September 12, and have been extended until September 30.
In light of this situation, Kanazawa University raised a level of KU’s Guideline to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 to "Level 2 (Alert)" on August 7, and classes that cannot be avoided the three Cs even with maximum consideration to prevent the spread of infection were conducted online in principle. Fortunately, the number of new cases has been decreasing nationwide, since September, due to the combined of the efforts of each citizen to prevent the spread of infection and the vaccine effect. Since September 18, the number of new infections has been below 5,000, and has continued to decrease in almost all prefectures, including those where a state of emergency has been declared.
On the other hand, Kanazawa University has implemented workplace vaccination against COVID-19 and 88% of students, including those who received vaccinations at the local government, had completed the second dose of vaccine by August 27. Taking this into consideration, in the 3rd quarter starting October 1, we will lower a level of the guideline to "Level 1 (Caution)" for “Education” and “Research Activities”, and expand face-to-face classes as much as possible, while continuing to thoroughly implement infection prevention measures. We will also continue to consider offering online classes for students with basic illnesses or anxiety, so please consult with your affiliated student affairs section.
There are many unpredictable aspects of the COVID-19, such as the emergence of new mutant strains. If we try to return to the daily routine before the COVID-19 outbreak all at once, there is a risk of rebounding. Therefore, we are careful in lowering the level of the guideline, and have set the level for “Extracurricular Activities” at "Level 1.5 (Caution)”. In the future, if “Priority Preventative Measures” in Kanazawa City are lifted, the monitoring indicators of Ishikawa Prefecture improve, and we can ensure the safety and security of our university with your cooperation, we will consider lowering the level to "Level 1 (Caution)" and get normal campus life back gradually from the middle of October, before the Kanazawa University Festival (Oct. 30 (Sat.) and 31 (Sun.)).
The effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing the onset of disease after the second vaccination is reported to be over 90% (*1: from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Web site). However, since July, the delta strain, the highly contagious mutant strain, has rapidly replaced the conventional strain and reports of people get infected after vaccination, so-called "breakthrough infections," have been increasing. In most cases, if you have been vaccinated, you will not become serious illness even if you are infected. However, there are many cases that even people are infected, they do not develop symptoms, so they may not even know they are infected. (*2: from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Web site).
Once again, I would like to ask your cooperation. There are some people who cannot be vaccinated due to their physical condition or underlying diseases. We all want to protect our society and get back to our daily campus life as much as possible. The most reliable way to avoid spreading coronavirus to others is not to get infected yourself. Continue to take actions not to get infection and to prevent spreading infection to others. Kanazawa University will continue to implement thorough infection prevention measures as we move forward with our university activities one step at a time and return to our normal routine. We appreciate your continued cooperation.
*1:https://www.cov19-vaccine.mhlw.go.jp/qa/0011.html (Japanese only)
*2:https://www.cov19-vaccine.mhlw.go.jp/qa/column/0006.html (Japanese only)