学長メッセージ「正しい情報に基づいて、ワクチン接種の判断を」/ Message from the President: Make a Decision Whether to Receive Vaccination Based on Correct Information on New Coronavirus Infectious Disease

令和 3 年 7 月 21 日


金沢大学長 山崎光悦


 本学では新型コロナウイルス感染症のワクチン接種における地域の負担を軽減し、接種の加 速化を図ることにより、感染の抑制に貢献するため、新型コロナワクチンの大学拠点接種(職域接種)を 7 月 6 日(火)から開始しました。


 国立精神・神経医療研究センターなどのグループが今年2 月、インターネットを通じてワクチン接種に関するアンケートを行った結果、「接種したい」35.9%、「様子を見てから接種したい」52.8%、「接種したくない」11.3%でした。年代ごとに「接種したくない」と回答した人の割合を調べたところ、15 歳から39 歳までの若い世代ではおよそ 15%だったのに対し、65 歳から79 歳までの高齢者で はおよそ 6%で、若い世代のほうが 2 倍以上高かったということです。接種したくない理由では、「副反応が心配だから」、「あまり効果があると思わないから」、「自分は感染しないと思うから」、「自分は重症化しないと思うから」などとなっています。(※1)


 皆さんはワクチン接種に関する情報はどこで入手していますか?ワクチンの効果や副反応に関する情報が大量に飛び交う中、最近、「ワクチンデマ対策シンポジウム」が開催され(※2)、デマの事例として、「ワクチンで不妊」、「ワクチンで流産」、「遺伝情報書き換え」、「接種によって感染」 などが紹介され、正しい情報源から情報を得ることの重要性が指摘されました。是非とも厚生労 働省のウェブサイトなどで正しい情報を確認してください。そして、ワクチンを接種すると判断した場合には、この度の大学拠点接種(職域接種)を利用してください。



※1 https://www.ncnp.go.jp/topics/2021/20210625p.html

※2 https://www.saferinternet.or.jp/event/vaccinesympo_202107/





July 21,2021

Make a Decision Whether to Receive Vaccination Based on Correct Information


President, Kanazawa University

Dear students,

 In order to reduce the burden of vaccination for COVID-19 on the local community, and to contribute to the control of infection by accelerating the process of vaccination, Kanazawa University has started universitybased vaccination (workplace vaccination) against COVID-19 on Tuesday July 6th.

 Vaccination is on the basis of the individual's will. You will not be forced to be vaccinated, nor will you be disadvantaged in any way in your activities at our University. The decision to get vaccinated or not should be made on your own initiative, based on a full understanding of the effects and adverse reactions of the vaccine.

 In February this year, the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry and other groups conducted a questionnaire about vaccination via the Internet. 35.9% of respondents wanted to be vaccinated, 52.8% wanted to see the results before get vaccinated, and 11.3% did not want to be vaccinated. The percentage of those who answered "don't want to be vaccinated" by age group was more than twice as high among the younger generation, with about 15% of those aged 15 to 39 years old, compared with about 6% of those aged 65 to 79 years old. Reasons given for not wanting to be vaccinated included "I'm worried about adverse reactions", "I don't think it's very effective", "I don't think I'll get infected" and "I don't think I'll get seriously ill". (*1)

 Of these reasons, it is true that adverse reactions can occur. However, the risk of serious complications by adverse reactions is extremely rare, and vaccination is promoted worldwide and has been shown to be effective in preventing the development and severity of COVID-19. In fact, it is possible for you to infect many people around you, including the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, without realizing that you are infected, and cause more severe disease. As the proportion of mutant strains increases, the severity and mortality rate of the disease in young people is rising, and many people are suffering from sequelae. COVID-19 is a troublesome disease for which there is currently no effective cure. Receiving vaccination against this disease protects not only ourselves, but also the people around us and society as a whole.

 Where do you get your information about vaccination? At a recent symposium on vaccine hoaxes (*2), the importance of obtaining information from the right sources was pointed out, with examples of hoaxes including "vaccine infertility", "vaccine miscarriage", "genetic information rewriting" and "infection by vaccination". The importance of obtaining information from correct sources was pointed out. We recommend you to check the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's website for correct information. And if you decide to get the vaccine, please use this workplace vaccination service.

 It is hoped that the vaccination of our University will reduce the number of cases and prevent secondary infections on campus, creating a safer and more secure campus. Your understanding and cooperation would be greatly appreciated.

*1 https://www.ncnp.go.jp/topics/2021/20210625p.html

*2 https://www.saferinternet.or.jp/event/vaccinesympo_202107/

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