Kanazawa University Appears in the Special Feature “SPOTLIGHT ON KANAZAWA” of a British Science Journal Nature

Posted: 2018-10-15
English News

Kanazawa University appeared in the advertisement special feature “SPOTLIGHT ON KANAZAWA” of the October 11 issue of a British science journal, Nature, the greatest authority in international scientific journal.

“Nature spotlight” is a part of the Naturejobs section of Nature, and the purpose of this series is to contribute to the improvement of global recognition, local activation and development by transmitting local information to the Nature readers worldwide.

The focus of “SPOTLIGHT ON KANAZAWA” is the city of Kanazawa, which is expected to further prosper through developments such as the opening of Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet-train service.

In the part featuring Kanazawa University, Nature spotlight introduces our research strategy to improve global competitiveness, activities as a WHO Collaboration Center for Chronic Hepatitis and Liver Cancer and research at the Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI).


Nature Spotlight on Kanazawa
WHO Collaboration Center for Chronis Hepatitis and Liver Cancer
Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI)

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