Kanazawa University Hosts the “SGU” Kick-Off Symposium

Posted: 2015-3-25
English News

On March 22, in Kanazawa, Kanazawa University hosted Kanazawa University “SGU” Kick-Off Symposium “Challenges in Establishing Kanazawa University ‘Global’ Standard.” Approximately 230 persons from within and outside the university attended the event.

The purpose of this Symposium is to transmit the information about the project “Developing Human Resources to Lead the Global Society and Establishing the Kanazawa University Brand by Thorough Internationalization” which was selected for the Top Global University Project Type B (Global Traction Type) under MEXT in 2014, and receive feedbacks to improve the project.

After the opening address by President Koetsu Yamazaki, there were remarks by Mr. Hideto Matsumoto, Director of the Office of International Planning under MEXT, and Vice President Perapong Tekasakul of Prince of Songkla University, the representative of the overseas guests. The remarks were followed by the presentation by President Yamazaki on the recent activities at Kanazawa University and the presentation by Vice President for General overview, Reformation, Research and Finance Chisato Mukai to introduce the SGU project.

Mr. Yasushi Akashi, Former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Director of International House of Japan, presented his keynote speech, “The Essentials of this Globalizing World.” In the panel discussion that followed, Mr. Akashi, Dr. John Barker (Dean of Undergraduate Education, student Affairs, and Student Services, Tufts University), Ms. Kuniko Urano (Executive Officer and General Manager of Human Resources Department), Dr. Minoru Otani (Principal, Kanazawa University Senior High School), and Vice President for Education Masayoshi Shibata gathered as panelists, and with Vice President Mukai as the facilitator, they discussed the topic of global human resources training. There were active questions from the audience, and it was a significant step toward the globalization of Kanazawa University.

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