Kanazawa University English Language Capacity Building Program by Tufts University ELP Begins

Posted: 2015-3-31
English News

On March 9, the pilot program of Kanazawa University English Language Capacity Building Program for faculty members organized by Tufts University English Language Program (ELP) began at Kanazawa University Super Global ELP Center in Kakuma Guesthouse. The program will run for 21 weeks.

The program consists of intensive lecture sessions and e-learning, and it is implemented through the complete cooperation of Tufts University (USA), our university-level partner institution, as a part of Kanazawa University’s efforts for through internationalization. The first intensive lecture sessions for 22 science and engineering faculty members took place until March 20, and it was taught by Ms. Lynn Stevens, a lecturer from Tufts University.

From April 2015, the program for students will be taught by the Tufts Program Director, and the program for staff is scheduled to begin from September.

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